Tag: Ellen Currano

Ellen Currano is a palaeobotanist and assistant professor at the University of Wyoming in Laramie who uses fossil plants to investigate the response of ancient forest ecosystems to environmental perturbations. Understanding how ecosystems reacted to past changes allows us to better predict how modern ecosystems will respond to anthropogenic changes such as carbon dioxide-induced global warming. Current research in the Currano lab focuses on: 1) biotic response to climate changes during the hothouse Palaeogene period in the Western United States, particularly Wyoming; and 2) the evolution of East African terrestrial ecosystems over the past 30 million years. Outreach activities include co-founding The Bearded Lady Project: Challenging the Face of Science (http://thebeardedladyproject.com/), a documentary film and photography project that investigates our stereotypes of what a field scientist looks like.
Contact Details:
Dr. Ellen Currano, Department of Botany and Department of Geology & Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA.