Tag: Ross Mounce

Ross is an evolutionary biologist at the University of Bath, UK. He studies the evolution of morphological form across the entire Tree of Life, as well as the methods by which this is done: cladistics. Having had trouble getting access to usable data during his research Ross is now also working on ways to both extract data from legacy literature and encourage the sharing of data with the aid of a Panton Fellowship from the Open Knowledge Foundation. Aside from academia Ross enjoys football, travelling the world and trying out new Linux distro’s. He used to grow a rather lovely collection of cacti and succulents but unfortunately that’s fallen by the wayside now. You’ll most likely see him at a conference wearing an Open Data t-shirt.
Contact Details:
Ross Mounce, Biology and Biochemistry Department, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7PY, UK.