Tag: Szymon Górnicki

Szymon is a freelance palaeoartist from Kalisz, Poland. In 2013, he graduated from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, having published a paper on ‘The morphology of hind limb of an Aetosaur from documentation post “Triassic” in Krasiejów’”. He was a member of the Students’ Palaeontological society UAM. He has a passion for palaeontology and the history of palaeoart. He is the author of several articles about palaeoart. A characteristic part of his creative work is satirical palaeontological drawings. Currently, he’s involved in writing articles and continues working on creating palaeontological artworks for various reasons, which are published on his website at: http://www.szymongornicki.com/
Apart from palaeontology and palaeoart, he’s interested in special effects in movies and model building.
Contact Details:
Szymon Górnicki, freelance palaeoartist, Kalisz, Poland. Email: sgornicki@o2.pl