
Figure 5 — CT-derived images showing the endocast - the region of the skull in which the brain sits - for terrestrial artiodactyl (the group in which Cetaceans are nested), Wild Pig, Harbour porpoise, and Semirostrum ceruttii. Note the large size and lateral expansion of the temporal lobes in both the fossil and extant porpoises relative to that of the land-dwelling pig. The enlarged temporal lobes relate to more processing of sound and sight, as well as long-term retention of visual and auditory memory

Figure 5 — CT-derived images showing the endocast – the region of the skull in which the brain sits – for terrestrial artiodactyl (the group in which Cetaceans are nested), Wild Pig, Harbour porpoise, and Semirostrum ceruttii. Note the large size and lateral expansion of the temporal lobes in both the fossil and extant porpoises relative to that of the land-dwelling pig. The enlarged temporal lobes relate to more processing of sound and sight, as well as long-term retention of visual and auditory memory